Composers & Works search & discovery

In this section, you will find information about composers and their works. You can view composers by name or use the search bar to find a composer by name.

Composer search & discovery

  1. On the menu, hover over "More" then click  “Composers” 
  2. Search by name or go through the list of composers.
  3. To view more on the composer, either click on their name or on “View details”
  4. Once on the composer’s page, you’ll be able to view a complete list of their works
  5. To view more on a particular work, click on the “>” arrow on the work of choice, where you will be redirected to view:
    1. All performances (click on the dropdown arrow to view cast & crew, dates and venue) including ticket links where relevant
    2. Upcoming performances (next 30 days) including ticket links where relevant

Work search & discovery

In this section, you will find information about musical works. You can view a list of works or use the search bar to narrow your search.

  1. On the menu, hover over "More" then click  “Musical Works
  2. Fill in the “Musical work”, “Composer” and “Type” parameters to narrow your search results. You do not have to fill in all fields, you can simply start typing to see a list of suggestions. Click “Go” to search / narrow your results
  3. You can click on the musical work name, composer or view details.
    1. Clicking on composer will take you to the composer page where you can view other works and search upcoming productions
    2. Clicking on musical work or view details, will take you to the musical work page where you can view all performances  (click on the dropdown arrow to view cast & crew, dates and venue) including ticket links where relevant or Upcoming performances (next 30 days) including ticket links where relevant