Digital presence

In the Digital Presence section of your Operabase page, you can update or add various links to enhance your online visibility.

  1. Organisation Website: Link to your official organisation website.
  2. Social Presence: Add links to your social media profiles, including platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, and others.
  3. CueTV Collection Page: Provide a link to your CueTV collection page.

You have control over the visibility of each link you add. These links will be displayed prominently on your organisation's page and under the "Contact" tab for easy access by visitors.

To manage your digital presence:

  1. Log in to your Operabase account.
  2. Click on “Edit” on your profile.
  3. Navigate to the “Digital Presence” tab.
  4. Add or update the relevant links.
  5. Adjust the visibility settings as desired.

Updating your digital presence on Operabase helps showcase your organisation effectively and ensures easy access to your online resources for visitors.