How do I register for an Artist profile on Operabase?

Registering for an artist profile on Operabase ensures you join the community that consists of over 150,000 artists, + 2500 companies, +800 festivals, +700 agencies and 3.5 million users around the globe. Once your artist profile is complete, it will be visible to our 3.5 million global audience members and professional users of Operabase in 31 languages.

The Operabase Casting Tool is used by artistic teams and casting directors globally.

View the full list of organisations & what they have to say about the Casting Tool

To get access and update your profile on Operabase, follow the steps below: 

  • Register on Operabase and complete the registration process
  • Provide details: Enter your profile name and required information during registration
  • Claim your profile: If a profile matching your details exists on Operabase, you can claim the profile and take ownership of the profile to make updates and changes