Managing your reviews

Adding performance reviews to your profile is a great way to share positive feedback on your performances.

How do I add a review?

  • Login and click on “Edit” on your Operabase profile
  • Go to the “Reviews” tab
  • Click on "Add review"
  • Fill in the required information
  • Choose whether to add the review to your profile reviews or associate it with a specific production.
  • If associating the review with a production, search for the musical work, select it, and save your changes.

The main difference between the profile reviews and production reviews is that profile reviews will only appear on your profile, whereas production reviews will be displayed across the platform on the production as well as profiles of all cast and creative team members who choose to show the review. Please note that you can only SHOW/HIDE reviews using the SHOW/HIDE toggle.

Feature Reviews on Your Operabase Profile

Showcase feedback from your performances by adding a quote to your profile under the media widget. Highlighting reviews on your Operabase profile can enhance your visibility and credibility with casting professionals and audiences.

How to Add Featured Reviews:

  1. Log in to your Operabase account.
  2. Click on “Edit” on your profile.
  3. Navigate to the “Reviews” tab.
  4. Add or edit reviews under “Profile reviews.”
  5. Select the review you want to feature.

Your featured reviews will be displayed on your profile's overview page, providing valuable insights into your artistic achievements.