Managing your Repertoire

All the musical works and roles you see under the “Repertoire” section on your Operabase Artist profile are auto-generated entries from your performed productions. You also have the option to manually add to your repertoire via the “Add Future Repertoire” button. The roles you add here display on your profile as “Future Repertoire”. 

How does Operabase generate my Repertoire list? 

The “Repertoire” section is generated from published productions in your schedule. This means that once you have completed a performance, it will reflect in your repertoire. New performances are added to your repertoire within 24 hours after the actual performance.

As an Operabase Artist Premium subscriber, your grey mask productions are shown in your schedule and repertoire. For artists without a subscription, only red masked productions are shown in your schedule and repertoire sections. If you choose to subscribe, the grey masked production will appear in both your schedule and repertoire within 24 hours.

Why don't I see the role I’ve performed included in my Repertoire?  

Before you reach out to Operabase customer support, please check that: 

  • The production is added to your schedule,
  • The production is not in drafts,
  • The production is published,
  • The production is not hidden,
  • The production is not marked as cancelled,
  • Dates are added to production,
  • Your correct Artist profile is added as a part of the cast in the correct role (if you have a duplicate profile, please email us so we can merge them)
  • Your performance dates are specified in the Cast & Crew section of the production edit 

How do I add to my repertoire?

Your repertoire is auto-generated from your performance history.
Operabase Artist Premium subscribers have the option to add Future Repertoire via the Add future repertoire button.

Why are there roles missing from my repertoire?

Please ensure that the performance is added to your schedule and not in the drafts folder.
Check that the performance has dates and your performances dates have been selected.

What is "No role" in my Repertoire? 

Operabase relies on correct data entries. No role implies that the role that you have been contracted to perform has not been updated in the production listing. To update the performance:

  • Find the production you would like to update under your schedule and click “Edit
  • Go to “Cast and Crew” and add your name (if the role is a variation or not available under our list, you have the option to add it in. Operabase lists canonical roles therefore any variation can be added as “Other”. Please note that any role you add as “Other” will be listed under “Other” roles in the Casting Tool) 

I have a role in my repertoire that I don't want to perform anymore. How can I delete it? 

Repertoire listings are auto-generated from your performance history. You can either delete a production (not recommended) or hide a production. The change in your repertoire will reflect within 24 hours.

As an alternative, you can navigate to your repertoire list and simply mark the role in your repertoire as “Retired”. This change will indicate that although you have performed this role, you are no longer interested in being cast in this role. 

By default, all auto-generated repertoire entries are set as “Active” repertoire records which means that you can be cast in the roles listed.

What is Future Repertoire? 

As an Operabase Artist Premium subscriber, you can add up to 5 roles or musical works. This can be a combination of prepared (ready to debut) and unprepared roles to help you highlight the direction you wish your career to progress.

All future repertoire entries will be automatically moved to “Repertoire” when the same role/profession appears in your schedule as a past engagement.