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  2. Top FAQs
  3. FAQs - Agency/ Artist Managers

Agency/ Artist Managers FAQs

Here, you'll find answers to frequently asked questions specifically tailored for agency representatives and artist managers who use Operabase.

1. How does a casting / artistic director find my contact for artists they are casting? 

Your contact information is listed on the Casting Tool next to the artist's name. When a casting professional looks for artists for a particular production the agency is clickable and redirects the casting professional to your agency page.

If they click on the artist's name, your agency details are visible in the Casting Tool view.

2. How do I update my agency artist roster?

To update your roster, follow the steps below:

    • Login and click on “Edit” on your Operabase page
  • To add artists to the roster:
    • Click “Add artists to the roster”
    • Search for the artist in the search bar
    • Select the artist from the list of results
    • Proceed to add representation details
  • To delete artists from the roster:
    • Find the artist you no longer represent on your roster
    • You will see an “Edit” button and bin icon
    • Click the bin icon and confirm the selection to remove the artist from you roster
  • To update representation details of artists on the roster:
    • Find the artist whose details you want to update
    • Click the “Edit” button
    • Change the representation details in to reflect the territories in which you represent them

3. How do I display my agency name on artist pages? 

Once you’ve added an artist to your roster, your details will be visible on their profile. Artists receive notifications when changes have been made and can choose to SHOW/HIDE the information.

4. Can agencies / artist managers use the Operabase Casting Tool?

Yes, agencies/artist managers can use the Casting Tool to find opportunities for their artists and expand their roster by directly contacting artists.