Getting started with your organisation page

This article will guide you through editing/updating your Operabase organisation page which is visible to 3.5 million users worldwide.

  1. Login to your Operabase account using your credentials
  2. Click on the avatar in the top right
  3. Click on the Update schedule button which will redirect you to your organisation page

When logged in and viewing your public profile page, you will see the following buttons:

  • Share - allows you to share your organisation page on social media, email and copy your Operabase page link
  • FAQs - Frequently asked questions about artist profiles, agency and organisation pages 
  • Share access - allows you to share editing access to your organisation page with other staff members in your organisation
  • Edit - redirects you to the Edit section. Use this button to make changes/updates to your page


Once you’ve clicked on Edit, the first tab you will encounter is the Seasons section.

In this section, you can:

  • Add a production
  • Edit a production
  • Show / hide a production - use the slider to select what you’d like to show / hide
  • Review new productions added to your page
  • View and edit productions in the drafts folder
  • Mark productions as cancelled

Review new productions added to your organisation’s page

You will see a notification with a number on all sections where new information has been added / updated. You can quickly navigate through the sections, and show / hide the new information.

For productions, click on Pending action to filter the new information

View and edit productions in the drafts folder

Any production added to your season but not published, will sit in the drafts folder. This is useful when cast details, dates and other information have not yet been finalised.

Click on Drafts to continue editing these productions and once complete, click on Publish so that they can be displayed on your page and be visible to both audience members and appear on artists profiles.

Mark productions as cancelled

Only use this feature if you want to mark all dates within that production as cancelled. If all the performance dates within a production are cancelled in the Dates section, this will automatically mark the production as cancelled. Please note that this will be visible to audience members.

If you cancel a production and would like to reschedule it:

  • Click on Edit on the production and navigate to the Dates & times of performances, livestreams and video-on-demand step
  • Click the 3 vertical dots beside the edit button and click Reschedule performance
  • In the box, insert the new performance dates and time. This will replace the cancelled date with the new date.

Search bar

To help find a particular production quickly, you can use the search bar.

Either click the dropdown arrow as shown in the screenshot to view by season or type in the name of the musical work in the Search by musical work title search and hit search.


This section enables you to list all productions (sets, costumes and score) that you have available for rent as well as whom to contact.

You can use the slider to indicate if it is available for rent or not available.

Add the contact details of the person that one should contact should they wish to rent.


This section is divided into:

  • Livestream & Full performance videos
  • Video clips, trailers & season announcements
  • Production videos

You can add, show / hide, edit, delete and reorder videos in this section. For more, click here

All videos added here will be visible on your home page, under the videos tab, on the production link and on the production videos of each artist associated with that production. 


This section is divided into:

  • Profile photos
  • Production photos

You can add, show / hide, edit, delete and reorder photos in this section. 

All photos added here will be visible on your home page, under the photos tab, on the production link and on the production photos of each artist associated with that production. 


You can add, show / hide, edit, delete and reorder reviews in this section.

This section is divided into:

  • Organisation reviews - highlight a particular production that will feature on your organisation page.
  • Production reviews - all reviews linked to your organisation productions. These are also displayed on the production page under the reviews tab.

Organisation information

In this section, you can provide the following information:

Organisation name

You can add your organisation name in multiple languages to boost your visibility via our search function (e.g. Wiener Staatsoper - Vienna State Opera, Staatsoper Unter den Linden - Berlin State Opera ). To add your organisation name in an additional language / languages click on Add another

Organisation logo

Update your organisation logo in this section. This logo is displayed on your home page and is visible to all users visiting your page.

Cover photo

This photo will appear across the top of your profile page in the media widget. If you'd like to feature a video in the media widget, you can use the Video clips, trailers & season announcements option in your Videos tab

Interior photos

Share photos of the interior of the venue. These photos will be displayed on both your page and venue page.

Exterior photos

Share photos of the exterior of the venue. These photos will be displayed on both your page and venue page.

Video about your organisation

The video added here will be displayed on the media widget of your organisation page. You can only add 1 video to this section. Click Add video and either paste a link or upload the video. Fill in the details and save. 

About the organisation

Add a short description of your organisation that will be displayed on your organisation page and under the About tab. Click on Add description to insert text into this section.

You can add an organisation description in multiple languages to cater to the global audience members who use Operabase.

Click on Edit to make changes, the bin icon to delete and adjust the privacy settings to suit your preference.


List all venues associated with your organisation as well as venues that your organisation owns, manages or uses often to perform. These venues will be listed on the venues tab on your page and under Venues on Operabase where users can search for productions by venue.

  • Mark this venue as default

This gives you the ability to mark a single venue as the primary venue where productions occur. When adding a production to your season, the venue will be automatically selected unless you specify another venue.

  • Add venue

We have many venues listed on Operabase. Please search for existing venues before adding a venue to the platform. In order to search the database for a venue, select the country, city and type the name of the venue to see the results we have that match.

Associated organisations

To link other organisations associated with your organisation, click “Add organisation”. You can add multiple organisations to this section and delete them as well. This will be displayed under the media widget on your page and will link to the associated organisations’s Operabase page. 

Management & Staff

Add contact details of staff at your organisation. You can see:

  • Page access status
  • Add them as a point of contact for season updates, subscription updates and rentals
  • Set the visibility
  • Share and revoke access
  • Edit their contact details

Contact & Box office

Add your contact information in this section. You can adjust the visibility settings as required.

It is divided into:

  • Contact information - address details
  • Organisation general contact information - general email, phone number (you can add more than 1)
  • Box office details - adding direct box office ticket links for direct checkout on your website (email, phone number and website)

The details added here are visible on your organisation home page and under the “Contact” tab.

Digital presence

In this section, you can update / add:

  • Organisation website
  • Social presence (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, etc.)
  • CueTV collection page

For all the above, you can determine the visibility of each link added. The links you add to this section will be displayed on your organisation home page and under “Contact” tab.