Managing your photos

Your photo section on Operabase is divided into two categories: profile photos and production photos.

Profile Photos:

  • Profile photos represent you and are visible on your public profile.
  • To add or change your profile photo:
  1. Log in and click on “Manage profile” on your Operabase profile.
  2. Click on“Profile Info / Photo” section.
  3. Upload a photo from your device and click “Add
  4. Make sure to adhere to our photo guidelines for specifications.

Production Photos:

  • Production photos are associated with productions in which you have participated and are displayed on the company production page.
  • These photos cannot be edited but can be shown or hidden.
  • To add a production photo:
  1. Log in and click on “Manage profile
  2. Scroll to “Photos
  3. Click on "Add photo"
  4. Upload a photo from your device and click “Add
  5. Make sure to adhere to our photo guidelines for specifications.

Industry professionals and artist managers have the ability to manage information on their Operabase profile. Please note that certain features are paid.