Getting started with your artist profile

This article will guide you through editing/updating your Operabase artist profile to ensure it is an accurate reflection of your career, visible to 3.5 million users.



  1. Login to your Operabase account using your credentials
  2. Click on the avatar or initials in the top right
  3. Click on the “Update profile” icon which will redirect you to your profile

When logged in and viewing your public profile page, you will see the following buttons:

  • Share - allows you to share your profile on social media, email and copy your Operabase profile link
  • FAQs - Frequently asked questions about artist profiles, agency and organisation pages 
  • Share access - allows you to share access with other people so that the can access and edit your profile
  • Overview & Insights - clicking on this will redirect you to your Profile Insights in Edit where you can view detailed profile analytics
  • Edit - redirects you to the Edit section. Use this button to make changes/updates to your profile

Overview & Insights

Once you’ve clicked on Edit, the first tab you will encounter is the Overview & Insights section. This tab acts as a checklist, prompting you to review and complete different sections of your profile and also provides insights on your profile’s performance on Operabase.

Customise your profile

Click on the dropdown arrow to customise your Operabase profile and showcase your profile the way you want by using SHOW/HIDE on:

  • Organisations you have performed with
  • Artist you have worked with
  • Venues you have performed at
  • Explore artists section shown on the top of your profile
  • Repertoire on the overview tab

You can also customise:

  • Future repertoire
  • Agency representation 

The other section acts as a checklist, prompting you to either add or update missing information and ensure your profile is complete.

Profile Insights

The Operabase artist Profile Insights feature shows the number of times your name and photo appeared across Operabase. 

Every Operabase artist profile has a Profile Insights section that provides data about your visibility on the platform over time. This will only be visible to you if you are logged in and have access to your profile. These insights include:

  • Impressions - indicates how many times your name and photo appeared on Operabase.
  • Page views - indicates the number of times someone visited your public Operabase page 
  • Search appearances - indicates the number of times your name or photo appeared on searches done by casting professionals, industry professionals and audience members across Operabase

Please refer to our Profile Insights article for more.


This displays the total number of productions listed on your profile. It distinguishes between: 

  • Red Mask (verified) and Grey Mask (unverified) productions
  • Added or Updated productions 
  • Suggested changes in progress, or validated productions where your suggested edits are still in review
  • Missing programme, or published productions where musical works performed have not yet been added.

Sections with missing/incomplete information:

You can easily spot sections of your profile that need attention/have missing information. Use the “Add” button next to each section to complete your profile by adding information. Completing your profile ensures its accuracy and enhances visibility towards casting professionals and audience members.

Profile info

In this section, you can update:

  • Your profile photo and cover photo (please see photo guidelines here)
  • Stage name / professional name (this information is not visible and only used for search suggestions and matches)
  • Also known as (this information is not visible and only used for search suggestions and matches. Add common spelling variations of your names to prevent profile duplicates)
  • Your name (you can add your name in multiple languages by clicking on Add another)
  • Profession / voice type - you can add multiple professions to your profile. You must mark one as primary in order to save changes made to this section. If you are an instrumentalist, you can also add details in this section.
  • Citizenship
  • Birth information
  • Gender

Organisations You Have Worked With:

This section is displayed on your public overview page. You have the option to SHOW or HIDE this section. You can customise it by adding or removing organisations and arranging them in your preferred order.

Artists You Have Worked With:

This section is visible on your public overview page. You can choose to SHOW or HIDE this section. You have the option to customise it by adding or removing artists and arranging them in your preferred order.

Venues You Have Performed At:

This section is displayed on your public overview page. You can choose to SHOW or HIDE this section. You have the option to customise it by adding or removing venues and arranging them in your preferred order.

Representation & Contact

In this section, you can add/update/edit:

  • Your contact information (email & phone number) and select the preferred visibility from the options provided
  • Your agency & representation information 

Performance credits

In this section, you can:

  • View all productions you are associated with as a contributor (cast, crew or instrumentalist)
  • Add a new production or add yourself to an existing production
  • Edit existing productions or suggest changes to verified Red Mask productions
    • Add missing programme details to productions (i.e. add all musical works performed in concert programme)
    • Add missing cast, crew members, instrumentalists and ensembles
    • Add promotional material such as posters, photos, videos, programme booklet etc.
    • Add performance dates, times, and venues
    • Add ticket links and box-office availability details
    • Add livestreams or VODs 
  • Continue editing an unpublished production located in “Drafts”
  • Show / hide a production 
  • Review new productions added to your profile 
  • Request Red Masks for productions - for annual subscribers only (see more on this process)


Artists/creators of original works including composers, librettists and choreographers, can now add new musical works directly to their profile under the Works tab. This feature enables them to showcase their compositions, operas, instrumental works, ballets, symphonies and more that are not yet listed on Operabase or have yet to be produced and performed. Please note that this section is for adding new musical works that you have created and not for submitting a missing musical work to Operabase.

Digital presence

Adding your digital presence, such as social media links, to your Operabase profile is a great way to enhance your online presence and connect with your audience. These links are displayed under your biography on your public page, allowing people to get to know you better and follow you on social media platforms. 

  • Personal website
  • Social presence (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, etc.)
  • CueTV collection page
  • Link to your page on an agency / theatre website

For all the above, you can determine the visibility of each link added. 


This section lists both your Future repertoire and Repertoire. You can:

  • Add future repertoire (prepared and unprepared roles)
  • Mark existing repertoire records as active / retired if you no longer want to perform this role
  • Hide repertoire entry (private / public visibility setting)
  • SHOW/HIDE on your public overview page

Future repertoire

As a Premium subscriber, you can add up to 5 roles or musical works in this section. This can be a combination of prepared (ready to debut) and unprepared roles to help you highlight the direction you wish your career to progress.

To read more about Future repertoire, click here.


All the musical works and roles you see under the Repertoire section on your Operabase Artist profile are auto-generated entries from your performed and upcoming announced productions.  

To read more about repertoire management, click here.


This section is divided into:

  • Livestream & Full performance videos
  • Intro showreel
  • Audition showreel
  • Video clips & general profile videos
  • Production videos

You can add, show / hide, edit, delete and reorder videos in this section. Please note that you can only show / hide the videos under the Production videos section as these are added from the organisation page and are related to a production that you participated in.  Read our video article here.


This section is divided into:

  • Profile photos
  • Production photos

You can add, show / hide, edit, delete and reorder photos in this section. Please note that you can only show / hide the photos under the Production photos section as these are added from the organisation page and are related to a production that you participated in. Read our photo article here.


This section is divided into:

  • Profile reviews
  • Production reviews

You can add, show / hide, edit, delete and reorder reviews in this section. Please note that you can only show / hide the reviews under the “Production reviews” section as these are added from the organisation page and are related to a production that you participated in. Read our review article here.


In this section, you can:

  • Add a biography in multiple languages
  • Edit an existing biography
  • Delete a biography
  • Modify the privacy settings

Read more about the biography section here.